Animal Management Officer Training

DEECA Office | Melbourne

15th August
[In Person Workshop $597]

This workshop is being hosted by DEECA Victoria
475 Mickleham Road, Attwood, Victoria

8:45am to 4.30pm (includes lunch)

Incorporating our nationally accredited Workplace Dog Bite Prevention training (10784NAT) this training has been specifically designed to provide Animal Management Officers with evidenced-based knowledge around dog and cat behaviour and body language as well as specific training in the safe handling, housing, and transportation of animals in their care.

This is an interactive course where participants are encouraged to share their own experiences.

Please note live dogs are NOT used in any of our training.

Copyright 2024 . All rights reserved Dog Bite Prevention Project. | 0499 609 256


The Dog Bite Prevention Project acknowledges that it operates on the traditional lands of the Ramindjeri,
Ngarrindjeri, Peramangk and Kaurna people and recognises their deep and sacred connection with land, water, and animals.